Monday, December 5, 2011


Dear Aspirants of APP posts,

APP Mock Test - Paper I
Questions with Answer Key posted on

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Dear Aspirants,

I am trying to arrange conducting JCJ Mock Test at Law College in Hyderabad. In order to proceed, I would like to count the numbers who would like to take test. So, the aspirants kindly give your name and e-mail address in order to contact you and intimate about the test date.

The test will be held after High Court intimates the Written Exam date.

All the best...

Thursday, June 30, 2011


01. Tulasamma Vs Seshadri ---- S. 14 of Hindu Succession Act
02. Judgement pronounced by judge and vacated the office ----- Decree can be signed by new judge.
03. Limitation period for dispossession of Immovable property on interest or title ---12years from dispossession become adverse to interest of plaintiff
04. Complaint does not include ----- Police report
05. Punishment for Sec.354 of I.P.C. in Andhra Pradesh --- 5 yrs to 7 yrs
06. Sec.52 T.P. Act --- Lis Pendens
07. Custom of villagers taking water from a particular well ---- Sec.48 I.E.A.
08. When Dacoit becomes Robbery --- with 5 or more persons
09. Threatening to give money else damaging reputation --- Extortion
10. Anticipatory Bail --- It is not given for bailable offences
11. Sec. 173(2) of Cr.P.C; Police Report contains- name of the parties, nature of the information; the names of the persons………….
12. Sec.167(2) of Cr.P.C.; Life Imprisonment sentence offence – 90 days
13. Asst. Sessions Judge maximum punishment --- up to 10 years
14. Differences between Sec.161 & 164 Cr.P.C.--- S 161 statement recorded by police and S 164 statement recorded by Magistrate
15. Appeal/Revision on Acquittal - By Complainant/Victim
16. Receipt given for money paid, can oral evidence be given to proof non payment --- Admissible
17. Plaint on behalf og government to be signed by ---- person authorised by govt
18. Hindu Successions Act (sons sosns sons……, daughters sons son…….)
19. Hindu male father --- Class II heir
20. A woman received property from her mother, after death of woman if there are no children - Prop goes to Father of that woman Sec.15(2) (a) Hindu Succession
21.Documenst which must be attested and registered --- Development Agreement & …….
22. Res ispo locator --- IPC
23. Section which bars suit to set aside decree on objection as to place of suing -- 21A of CPC
24. Sec.144 CPC - restoring on variation, .... of decree/order
25. Sec.13 of HM Act Not A ground for Divorce: Breakdown of marriage
26. Without Stamp Pronote maintainable Stamp Act, -- Sec.35
27. Under IPC, the doc which creates, extinguishes, ... rts - Valuable Security Doct. as per IPC Sec.30
28. Person under IPC - Includes Company Sec.11 of IPC
29. FIR - information given to Police regarding Cognizible offence.
30. Doct can be admissible after paying stamp fee along with penalty
31. "I promise to pay the bearer of this note a sum of ...." - Currency Note
32. When easement get suspended or terminated - when dominant heritage or servient heritage gets destroyed; and when there is merger of ownership
33. Senior Civil Judge taking the case of JCJ - is valid
34. Which of the following is not a relief under Domestic Violence - Divorce
35. Limitation period commence for an offence - on the date of offence
36. Adverse possession - free and hostile .....
37. Illustration on money paid twice by mistake -- Sec.72 of ICA
38. Evidence to be taken in presence of accused - Sec.273 of CrPC
39. Client's property sold to Attorney - Burden of proof is on Attorney (Sec.111 of IEA)
40. Or.6 R.18 of CPC -- 14 days
41. Judgment consists of -- All the above
42. Sec.6 of Specific Relief - Suit against government cannot be laid
43. If there is deficit in court fee and rejected under O7 R11 - time is given by court to pay the deficit amount.
44. Prosecution has to prove beyond all reasonable doubts to prove case in Criminal Law
45. Sec.451 & 452 of CrPC - 451: Disposal of property during inquiry and trial and 452: disposal of property after trial
46. Charge can be added - at any time before judgement Sec.216 of CrPC
47. Father purchased 10000 worth stamp papers, can son use the stamps of father after his death - NO
48. Promissory Estoppels - promissee has altered his position based on promise
49. Doctrine of Feeding Estoppel by grant Sec.43 of TPAct
50. Rs.2000/- rent in Municipal Corpn. Applicable Rent Control Sec.32(c) of AP Rent Lease ... Control Act
51. Sec.174 of CrPC inquest - cause of the death
52. Wrongful gain Sec.23 of IPC definition
53. Life Insurance is a -- Contingent Contract
54. Sec.53 of TP Act --- Fraudulent Transaction :
55. Specific Relief :"aver and claim" - When the other party is ready and willing to perform
56. Stamp is not necessary to acknowledgment
57. Revocation of proposal Sec.4 of ICA - Proposer can revoke at any time before promissee put acceptance in transmission
58. Garnishee
59. Sec.139 of NI Act - presumption of lawful debt
60. Special Cross Cheque - drawn on the bank whose name is on the cheque or to its agent
61. Sec.447 of IPC Compoundable -- by the occupier of the land
62. Perpetual Injunction - Specific relief Act
63. Not a ground for Specific performance of contract : Contract is determinable Sec.14(1)(c)
64. Sec.319 of CrPC - only after taking evidence during enguiry or trial
65. Sec.139 of IEA, Cross examination of a person called to produce a document
66. In abatement if right to sue survives -- suit is not abate
67. Withdraw the suit, can file new suit - only when court has given permission at the time of withdrawal
68. Difference between Injunction and Attachment -- Injunction between the parties to the suit only, Attachment relates to others also
69. Interest can calculate on ---- principle amount in mortgage suits.
70. Whether criminal court can review the judgment: NO
71. In default of fine maximum punishment is ¼ of the maximum punishment Sec.65 of IPC
72. Woman went to commit suicide but chnged her mind - No OFFENCE
73. Private alienation of property attched Sec.64 of CPC : Void
74. Sec.89 of CPC : Out of Court Settlement (ADR)
75. The formal expression of adjudication : Decree
76. The power of executing courts to decide - satisfaction, execution, ... of decree (Sec.47 of CPC)
77. Or.1 R.8 : Common Interest
78. Supplementary and Incidental proceedings held in CPC
79. Sec.482 CrPC : Inherent power of High Court
80. JCJ cannott add parties in a suit suo-moto
81. Retracted confession -- resilient
82. Circumstantial evidence -- indirect evidence
83. Judgment in rem --judgement on matrimonial and insolvency
84. Universal Donee : Sec.128 of IEA
85. Court may presume that Person in possession of marked currency notes after theft is a thief unless he accounts for it; and shopkeeper in possession may not be .