Thursday, June 30, 2011


01. Tulasamma Vs Seshadri ---- S. 14 of Hindu Succession Act
02. Judgement pronounced by judge and vacated the office ----- Decree can be signed by new judge.
03. Limitation period for dispossession of Immovable property on interest or title ---12years from dispossession become adverse to interest of plaintiff
04. Complaint does not include ----- Police report
05. Punishment for Sec.354 of I.P.C. in Andhra Pradesh --- 5 yrs to 7 yrs
06. Sec.52 T.P. Act --- Lis Pendens
07. Custom of villagers taking water from a particular well ---- Sec.48 I.E.A.
08. When Dacoit becomes Robbery --- with 5 or more persons
09. Threatening to give money else damaging reputation --- Extortion
10. Anticipatory Bail --- It is not given for bailable offences
11. Sec. 173(2) of Cr.P.C; Police Report contains- name of the parties, nature of the information; the names of the persons………….
12. Sec.167(2) of Cr.P.C.; Life Imprisonment sentence offence – 90 days
13. Asst. Sessions Judge maximum punishment --- up to 10 years
14. Differences between Sec.161 & 164 Cr.P.C.--- S 161 statement recorded by police and S 164 statement recorded by Magistrate
15. Appeal/Revision on Acquittal - By Complainant/Victim
16. Receipt given for money paid, can oral evidence be given to proof non payment --- Admissible
17. Plaint on behalf og government to be signed by ---- person authorised by govt
18. Hindu Successions Act (sons sosns sons……, daughters sons son…….)
19. Hindu male father --- Class II heir
20. A woman received property from her mother, after death of woman if there are no children - Prop goes to Father of that woman Sec.15(2) (a) Hindu Succession
21.Documenst which must be attested and registered --- Development Agreement & …….
22. Res ispo locator --- IPC
23. Section which bars suit to set aside decree on objection as to place of suing -- 21A of CPC
24. Sec.144 CPC - restoring on variation, .... of decree/order
25. Sec.13 of HM Act Not A ground for Divorce: Breakdown of marriage
26. Without Stamp Pronote maintainable Stamp Act, -- Sec.35
27. Under IPC, the doc which creates, extinguishes, ... rts - Valuable Security Doct. as per IPC Sec.30
28. Person under IPC - Includes Company Sec.11 of IPC
29. FIR - information given to Police regarding Cognizible offence.
30. Doct can be admissible after paying stamp fee along with penalty
31. "I promise to pay the bearer of this note a sum of ...." - Currency Note
32. When easement get suspended or terminated - when dominant heritage or servient heritage gets destroyed; and when there is merger of ownership
33. Senior Civil Judge taking the case of JCJ - is valid
34. Which of the following is not a relief under Domestic Violence - Divorce
35. Limitation period commence for an offence - on the date of offence
36. Adverse possession - free and hostile .....
37. Illustration on money paid twice by mistake -- Sec.72 of ICA
38. Evidence to be taken in presence of accused - Sec.273 of CrPC
39. Client's property sold to Attorney - Burden of proof is on Attorney (Sec.111 of IEA)
40. Or.6 R.18 of CPC -- 14 days
41. Judgment consists of -- All the above
42. Sec.6 of Specific Relief - Suit against government cannot be laid
43. If there is deficit in court fee and rejected under O7 R11 - time is given by court to pay the deficit amount.
44. Prosecution has to prove beyond all reasonable doubts to prove case in Criminal Law
45. Sec.451 & 452 of CrPC - 451: Disposal of property during inquiry and trial and 452: disposal of property after trial
46. Charge can be added - at any time before judgement Sec.216 of CrPC
47. Father purchased 10000 worth stamp papers, can son use the stamps of father after his death - NO
48. Promissory Estoppels - promissee has altered his position based on promise
49. Doctrine of Feeding Estoppel by grant Sec.43 of TPAct
50. Rs.2000/- rent in Municipal Corpn. Applicable Rent Control Sec.32(c) of AP Rent Lease ... Control Act
51. Sec.174 of CrPC inquest - cause of the death
52. Wrongful gain Sec.23 of IPC definition
53. Life Insurance is a -- Contingent Contract
54. Sec.53 of TP Act --- Fraudulent Transaction :
55. Specific Relief :"aver and claim" - When the other party is ready and willing to perform
56. Stamp is not necessary to acknowledgment
57. Revocation of proposal Sec.4 of ICA - Proposer can revoke at any time before promissee put acceptance in transmission
58. Garnishee
59. Sec.139 of NI Act - presumption of lawful debt
60. Special Cross Cheque - drawn on the bank whose name is on the cheque or to its agent
61. Sec.447 of IPC Compoundable -- by the occupier of the land
62. Perpetual Injunction - Specific relief Act
63. Not a ground for Specific performance of contract : Contract is determinable Sec.14(1)(c)
64. Sec.319 of CrPC - only after taking evidence during enguiry or trial
65. Sec.139 of IEA, Cross examination of a person called to produce a document
66. In abatement if right to sue survives -- suit is not abate
67. Withdraw the suit, can file new suit - only when court has given permission at the time of withdrawal
68. Difference between Injunction and Attachment -- Injunction between the parties to the suit only, Attachment relates to others also
69. Interest can calculate on ---- principle amount in mortgage suits.
70. Whether criminal court can review the judgment: NO
71. In default of fine maximum punishment is ¼ of the maximum punishment Sec.65 of IPC
72. Woman went to commit suicide but chnged her mind - No OFFENCE
73. Private alienation of property attched Sec.64 of CPC : Void
74. Sec.89 of CPC : Out of Court Settlement (ADR)
75. The formal expression of adjudication : Decree
76. The power of executing courts to decide - satisfaction, execution, ... of decree (Sec.47 of CPC)
77. Or.1 R.8 : Common Interest
78. Supplementary and Incidental proceedings held in CPC
79. Sec.482 CrPC : Inherent power of High Court
80. JCJ cannott add parties in a suit suo-moto
81. Retracted confession -- resilient
82. Circumstantial evidence -- indirect evidence
83. Judgment in rem --judgement on matrimonial and insolvency
84. Universal Donee : Sec.128 of IEA
85. Court may presume that Person in possession of marked currency notes after theft is a thief unless he accounts for it; and shopkeeper in possession may not be .